
Hitcon CTF 2024 RClonE

For Hitcon this year we played with the World Wide Union merger. The web challenges were all really interesting and I learned a lot. web/RClonE I collaborated with gg0h on this challenge and we ma...

UMassCTF 2024

pwn/bench-225 Life is one big tug of war. And you don't win the war by pushing the rope. Files: bench-225 nc bench-225.ctf.umasscybersec.org 1337 In this challenge we are given a compil...

CursedCTF 2024

Web - Hero’s Journey Challenge description Hero’s Journey consists of a website in which you can create a story by writing in text to different sections as depicted in the following image: So l...

KalmarCTF 2024 Web Challenges

Writeups These are the web challenges our team solved at KalmarCTF 2024! web/Ez ⛳ v2 This was a throwback to last year’s KalmarCTF where there was a similar challenge. I don’t exactly remember the...

UofTCTF 2024 Challenge Writeups

Writeups web/Voice Changer Sourceless web challenge. Just a file upload with a pitch option. I intercepted the HTTP request and modified the pitch value. POST /upload HTTP/1.1 ------WebKitFormB...

NiteCTF 2023 Challenges

Writeups These are two challenges which I found interesting from NiteCTF. Just 1x pwn and 1x web. web/Mini Survey Downloading the source, we see this is a Javascript challenge immediately observin...

Backdoor CTF 2023 Web Challenges

web/too-many-admins Downloading the source, we can see this is a PHP challenge. Just a single PHP file and the flag is located in the database (dump.sql). I immediately noticed the SQL injection h...

HITB Phuket 2023

Pure Challenge Writeup The official writeup from the organizers is available here. I’m going to let that cover the technical details of the vulnerability as in this writeup I want to focus on the...

Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2023

Pwn My Pet Canary’s Birthday Pie Here is my first c program! I’ve heard about lots of security features in c, whatever they do. The point is, c looks like a very secure language to me! Try breaki...

TheFewChosen 2023

Crypto Dizzy We’re given this to decipher: T4 l16 _36 510 _27 s26 _11 320 414 {6 }39 C2 T0 m28 317 y35 d31 F1 m22 g19 d38 z34 423 l15 329 c12 ;37 19 h13 _30 F5 t7 C3 325 z33 _21 h8 n18 132 k24 The...