
Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2023

Pwn My Pet Canary’s Birthday Pie Here is my first c program! I’ve heard about lots of security features in c, whatever they do. The point is, c looks like a very secure language to me! Try breaki...

TheFewChosen 2023

Crypto Dizzy We’re given this to decipher: T4 l16 _36 510 _27 s26 _11 320 414 {6 }39 C2 T0 m28 317 y35 d31 F1 m22 g19 d38 z34 423 l15 329 c12 ;37 19 h13 _30 F5 t7 C3 325 z33 _21 h8 n18 132 k24 The...

Enowars 7

Oldschool - Twig SSTI One of the many vulnerabilities from this service was SSTI. The program is using the twig templating engine so a payload like {{7*7}} will result in 49 We exploiting this ...

AmateursCTF 2023

cps remastered The description is already hinting at SQL injection so we know what we’re getting into here It didnt take too long to spot the SQLi in register.php <?php $message = ""; ...